nav Enhanced Geographic data for the GIS Professional available for the Entire United States !!
Collarless / Seamless & Collared USGS Topographic Maps (Original and Next Generation),

Elevation Data (3D Elevation Program - 3DEPs &
National Elevation Datasets - NEDs & Digital Elevation Models - DEMs)

Aerial Photos (USGS & NAIP), DLGs, Contours, ContoursPlus and Wetlands !
Available Individually, as Custom Areas, States and the entire USA !
ChartTiff data available via
Internet Download and USB Flash / External Drives !
Projection Line
Click Here for Details for our 1 Free Download Offer
NextGen Geo NextGen DRG
Geo DRG GeoLite
Contour ContoursPlus DLG Wetlands
NextGen Geo NextGen DRG
Geo DRG GeoLite
3DEP NED DEM Contour

2023 NAIP Imagery Now Complete !

ChartTiff 2023 Naip DOQQ Availability

   0.3, 1 and 2 Meter DOQQs Available
   0.6, 1 and 2 Meter DOQQs Available

NextGen Topo Maps Revisions
 (USGS GeoPDFs as Geotiffs)

USGS GeoPDF as GeoTiff Map Revisions

2021 2022 2023 2024

ChartTiff Interactive
Try our totally interactive geo-graphical interface
for selecting and ordering data.

ChartTiff Interactive Topo Map Locator
 Digital Topographic Data
ChartTiff NextGen Collarless / Seamless Geo Topo maps ChartTiff NextGen Geo's  (USGS GeoPDFs as Geotiffs)

  • The Next Generation of ChartTiff's Collarless / Seamless Topo Maps
  • Generated from the latest Digitally Generated USGS Topographic Maps
  • All Historical Topo Maps also available
  • Collars (Legends) removed
  • Creates a seamless mosaiced image with adjacent maps
  • 1:24,000 Scale Available
  • 600 DPI, Selectable DPI of 600, 500, 400, 300, 250
  • GeoTiff Format
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff NextGen Collared DRG Topo maps ChartTiff NextGen DRG's (USGS GeoPDFs as Geotiffs)

  • The Next Generation of ChartTiff's Collared Topo Map
  • Generated from the latest Digitally Generated USGS Topographic Maps
  • 1:24,000 Scale Available
  • 600 DPI, Selectable DPI of 600, 500, 400, 300, 250
  • GeoTiff Format
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff Original Collarless / Seamless Geo Topo maps ChartTiff Orignal Geo's in Digital Form, a ChartTiff Standard

  • Original USGS Topo Maps with collars (Legends) removed Creates a seamless mosaiced image with adjacent maps
  • 250 DPI, GeoTiff Format
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff Original Collared DRG Topo maps ChartTiff Original DRG's in Digital Form

  • Original USGS Collared (with Legends) Topographic Maps
  • 250 DPI, GeoTiff Format
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff Original Collarless / Seamless GeoLite Topo maps ChartTiff Orignal GeoLite's in Digital Form

  • Original USGS Topo Maps with collars (Legends) removed Creates a seamless mosaiced image with adjacent maps
  • 125 DPI, JPEG Format
  • Includes ESRI World File
  • In your specified Projection

 Aerial Photos / Digital Ortho Photos (DOQQs and DOQs)
ChartTiff USDA NAIP Aerial Photo ChartTiff 2003 through 2023 NAIP Imagery

  • USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program
  • Individual 3.75 Minute DOQQs
  • 24 Bit True Color
  • In Geotiff, 8-Bit Geotiff PackBits, 8-Bit Geotiff Uncompressed,
    JPEG or JPEG2000 Formats
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff USGS DOQQ Aerial Photo ChartTiff USGS DOQQ Aerial Photos

  • Original USGS Digital Aerial Photo Quarter Quadrangle
  • Individual 3.75 Minute DOQQs
  • Grayscale or CIR (ColorInfraRed)
  • In Geotiff, 8-Bit Geotiff PackBits, 8-Bit Geotiff Uncompressed,
    JPEG or JPEG2000 Formats
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff USGS DOQ Aerial Photo ChartTiff USGS DOQ Aerial Photos

  • Original USGS Digital Aerial Photo Quadrangle
  • Individual 7.5 Minute DOQs
  • Available in the states of Oregon, Washington and Alaska
  • Grayscale or CIR (ColorInfraRed)
  • In Geotiff, 8-Bit Geotiff PackBits, 8-Bit Geotiff Uncompressed,
    JPEG or JPEG2000 Formats
  • Includes ESRI and MapInfo World Files
  • In your specified Projection

Elevation Data
ChartTiff 3DEP Elevation Model ChartTiff 10 and 30 Meter 3DEP's in Digital Form

  • USGS 3D Elevation Program
  • The Latest Generation of USGS Elevation Data for GIS Professionals
  • Quads available in: USGS DEM, PLS-CADD,
    XYZ Text Formats, C-Tech and ESRI Grid Float
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff NED Elevation Model ChartTiff 3,10,30 and 60 Meter NED's in Digital Form

  • USGS National Elevation Dataset
  • The Next Generation of Elevation Data for GIS Professionals
  • Quads available in: USGS DEM, PLS-CADD,
    XYZ Text Formats, C-Tech and ESRI Grid Float
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff DEM Elevation Model ChartTiff 30 and 60 Meter DEM's in Digital Form

  • Original USGS DEM Elevation Models
  • Cleaned and Standardized
  • Quads available in: USGS DEM, PLS-CADD,
    XYZ Text Formats, C-Tech and ESRI Grid Float
  • In your specified Projection

Vector Data Sets
ChartTiff Contours ChartTiff VECTOR Contours in Digital Form

  • Derived from the 10-Meter USGS National Elevation Dataset
  • Sold by Individual Quad or Custom Area
  • Available in: ESRI Shape File and AutoCAD DXF/DWG Formats
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff ContoursPlus ChartTiff ContourPlus DLG Overlays

  • Contours Derived from the USGS National Elevation Dataset
  • Now includes the National Wetlands Inventory quad
  • DLG Overlays from 1:24,000 or 1:100,000 Scale
  • Sold by Individual Quad
  • Available in: ESRI Shape File and AutoCAD DXF/DWG Formats
  • In your specified Projection

ChartTiff USGS DLG Digital Line Graphs ChartTiff VECTOR Digital Line Graphs (DLGs)

  • Digital vector representations of cartographic information derived from USGS maps and related sources.
  • Available in UTM, State Plane or Latitude / Longitude Projection
  • Available in ESRI Shapefile Format
  • Sold by Full Degree Set

National Wetlands Inventory ChartTiff National Wetland Inventory

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is the principal US Federal agency tasked with providing information to the public on the status and trends of our Nation's wetlands.

  • Includes Wetland and Riparian Layer if available.
  • Available from ChartTiff as Individual 7.5 Minute Quads.
  • Available in UTM, State Plane, Latitude / Longitude or Web Mercator projection.
  • Available in: ESRI Shape or AutoCAD DXF/DWG Formats

Large Order Customers
If you are planning to order over 50 items or have a custom area 
Send us the list of quad names or numbers, your area of interest coordinates
or a ESRI shape file and we'll place the order for you.

Please call (303) 774-8769 for assistance.
Latest Newsletter
Introducing 3DEP
Latest USGS 3D Elevation Program !

USGS Latest Lidar based
3D Elevation Program
10 and 30 Meter data available
in your Projection and Format.
Individual Quads, State Sets and Custom Areas.

Click for Details

Mobile Website !

ChartTiff Mobile Website

Specifically designed for the mobile format. Order any type of data or imagery as individual quads in any projection or option.

Color to Grayscale
conversion option for Topographic Maps !

Convert any
ChartTiff Topo Map to a Grayscale image. Select Option during Check Out.

ChartTiff Topographic Maps as Grayscale Images

Shaded Reliefs for
Topographic Maps.

Shaded Reliefs for Topographic Maps
Click for Details
Elevation Models.

Shaded Elevation Models
Click for Details
What are PB
Section Numbers
on Maps

'Protracted Block'

Forest Service Article

NED Generated Contours
DLG Overlay Set.

Click for Details !!!
ChartTiff Subscription Service

You can purchase a subscription to download ChartTiff digital data
at additional savings !!

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1 FREE ChartTiff Quad
of your choice !!

Click Here for Details
C-Tech EVS