ChartTiff ContourPlus   ChartTiff ContourPlus
ChartTiff ContoursPlus includes the DLG Overlays Data Set, a set of Contours and the Wetlands Quad.

ChartTiff ContoursPlus includes:
  • The corresponding DLG quad set of Overlays.
    • DLG Layers come as an ESRI Shapefile / AutoCAD DXF / AutoCAD DWG file.
    • All Layers may not be present.
      Users can review DLG layers available using the Vector Data / DLG / Select Full Degree Menu.

  • A Contour generated from the LATEST USGS 3DEPm (3D Elevation Program).
    • Contours come as an ESRI Shapefile / AutoCAD DXF / AutoCAD DWG file.
    • Contour Interval selectable at Check-Out.

  • The corresponding Wetlands quad.
    • Wetlands come as an ESRI Shapefile / AutoCAD DXF / AutoCAD DWG file.

  • Projection and Datum options are selected during Check-Out.

Optional Overlays Available As Example: 1:24,000 Scale Quad O40105a1 -- Erie, CO

ChartTiff Contours Plus Boundaries ChartTiff Contours Plus Hypsography ChartTiff Contours Plus Hydrography

BD -- Boundaries

HP -- Hypsography

HY -- Hydrography

ChartTiff Contours Plus Man Made Features ChartTiff Contours Plus Transportation ChartTiff Contours Plus Non-Vegetative Cover

MS -- Man-Made Features

MT -- Misc Transportation

NV -- Non-Vegetative Cover

ChartTiff Contours Plus Public Land Survey ChartTiff Contours Plus Roads ChartTiff Contours Plus Railroads

PL -- Public Land Survey

RD -- Roads

RR -- Railroads

ChartTiff Contours Plus Vegatation ChartTiff Contours Plus Survey Control ChartTiff Contours Plus Wetlands

SC -- Vegetative Surface Cover

SM -- Survey Control


ContoursPlus Individual Quads
  • Contours are generated from the 3DEP (3D Elevation Program) data. Click for Details

  • Wetlands from the National Wetlands Inventory Click for Details

  • DLG Overlays Based on Availability
    • Includes all Available Large 1:24,000 Scale Overlays
    • Non-Available Large 1:24,000 Scale Overlays are supplied
      from Overlays generated from the Intermediate 1:100,000 Scale Overlays.
    • Some overlays regardless of scale may not be available from the USGS.
      In this case some overlays may not be provided.

  • Individual Quads available in:
    • ESRI Shapefile format
    • AutoCAD (DWG & DXF) Formats
    • Note: 24 hour turnaround for Internet downloads on Contours and Overlays

  • Available Projections
    • UTM - User Selectable Zones - NAD27 / NAD83 / WGS72 / WGS84
    • State Plane - User Selectable Zones - NAD27 / NAD83
    • Latitude / Longitude - NAD27 / NAD83 / WGS72 / WGS84
    • Web Mercator - WGS84

  • Contour Units (selected during check-out)
    • Select 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 90, 100  Feet / Meters
    • Other Intervals available by request

  • Available via Internet Download or USB Flash / External Drive
  ContourPlus Quads are NOT available as 1 Free Download

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