ChartTiff Elevation Data   ChartTiff Elevation Data
  Custom Elevation Data Area
Purchase a Custom Elevation Data Area in Any Projection

Elevation Data Available:
     10 & 30 Meter 3DEP ( USGS 3D Elevation Program )
     3, 10, 30 & 60 Meter NED (USGS National Elevation Dataset )
     10 & 30 Meter DEM (USGS Digital Elevation Model )

Custom Areas are available via Internet Download  or USB Flash / External Drive
      with payment via Credit Card or Subscription .

User Selectable Widths and Heights
     Selectable from a 90 x 90 Minute window
     Select Width and Height to review price
     Other Widths and Heights available upon

Reference point defined during size selection
     User specifies a Latitude / Longitude point for one of following locations:

       Center / North West Corner / North East Corner / South East Corner / South West Corner

Projection information is selected during Check Out
     Select UTM, State Plane, Latitude / Longitude or Web Mercator Projection
     The projection information applies for complete order
     If multiple projections are required please submit multiple orders

File Format Selectable at Check-Out
     USGS DEM Format
     GeoTIFF Format
     ESRI Grid Float Format
     PLS-CADD ASCII Text, X,Y,Z format
     ASCII Text, X,Y,Z (Comma, Tab or Space Delimited) formats
     C Tech File Format

Optional Shaded Elevation Models can be added as an additional file.
     Click Here for Additional Information.

A Custom Elevation Data Area is available as 1 Free Download
     Limited to 7.5 Minutes wide by 7.5 Minutes high

ChartTiff Interactive
Try our totally interactive geo-graphical interface
for selecting and ordering data.

ChartTiff Interactive Topo Map Locator
Select Custom Elevation Data Area by a GoogleMaps Area
Use our GoogleMaps interface to locate your area of interest.
Set 2 markers to select the area.
  Input a Window to create parameters into forms below
  Input as Decimal Degrees (35.75)
      or as Degrees Minutes Seconds (35 30 15) / (35d 30m 15s) / (35.30.15)

Northern Latitude:  
Western Longitude:  Eastern Longitude: 
Southern Latitude:  
  Create a Custom Elevation Data Area by Inputting a Point and Extents
  Input as Decimal Degrees (35.75)
      or as Degrees Minutes Seconds (35 30 15) / (35d 30m 15s) / (35.30.15)

Input Latitude:   Select Height:   
Input Longitude:   Select Width:   
Reference Point: